Installing Jupyter Notebook
By far the easiest way to install Jupyter is with Anaconda. Jupyter notebooks automatically come with the distribution. You'll be able to use notebooks from the default environment.
To install Jupyter notebooks in a conda environment, use
conda install jupyter notebook
Jupyter notebooks are also available through pip with
pip install jupyter notebook
Convert a notebook to an HTML file, in your terminal use
jupyter nbconvert --to html notebook.ipynb
To create the slideshow from the notebook file, you'll need to use nbconvert:
jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to slides
This just converts the notebook to the necessary files for the slideshow, but you need to serve it with an HTTP server to actually see the presentation.
To convert it and immediately see it, use
jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to slides --post serve This will open up the slideshow in your browser so you can present it.
panda presentation: presentation